The Healthy Home Facebook campaign

In April and the first half of May, a campaign was launched on the Council's Facebook profile to raise awareness of a healthy indoor environment. The Facebook campaign was the first step in the Healthy Home project to introduce to the general public the issue of a healthy indoor environment in households.

Only few people realize that we spend up to 90 % of our time in buildings and that the indoor environment significantly affects us. Lack of ventilation, unsuitable materials or dust can have negative consequences for our physical and mental health.

That is why we have included a competition for a station for measuring of the quality of the indoor environment - Netatmo Healthy Home Coach - in the six-week Facebook campaign. Every week, we published both an informative post on a healthy indoor environment and a post with a contest question that people could answer. The winner was drawn from five finalists in mid-May.

In total, we published 5 informative posts on individual topics related to the topic of a healthy home: ventilation, temperature, humidity, noise and light. The campaign reached more than 14,000 people and almost 1,500 people actively participated in the campaign by commenting, sharing or otherwise expressing their interest in the posts.

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