Healthy Home

Our home - both the location and the building itself affect almost every aspect of our lives - from how well we sleep, how often we meet our friends, to how comfortable and safe we feel. If we want to improve the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities we can hardly find a more important place to begin with than at home: this is where most people spend the majority of their lives.  

The project Healthy Home has started in 2020 with the aim to shift the residential housing market to focus on mental, social and physical health and well-being of residents. The project targets all who are interested in healthy lifestyle, but also at those involved in the design, construction and management of residential houses. The examples of projects realized by Healthy Home partners, show inspiring and effective solutions that  contribute to the good condition and health of the households. 

In 2020, the topic was promoted through 6 interviews in the radio and 42 media outputs. The first phase of 2021 campaign focused on print outputs in magazine Doma dnes, followed by online articles in iDnes - section "Bydlení". For the second phase, a series of virtual building views, online coverage and production of podcasts is being prepared.

Project partners:


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