Council Projects

Výklad EU Taxonomie

EU Taxonomie je nástroj, který umožňuje definovat udržitelnost investic a který by měl posunout evropskou ekonomiku směrem ke klimatické neutralitě.

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Zero Carbon Roadmap - Pathway to Climate-Neutral Buildings in the Czech Republic

The document is a detailed set of measures needed to decarbonise the building stock by 2050.

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Conference Green Building

The International Green Building Conference is held regularly every two years. The first year of the conference took place in 2012. Since then, the conference has become an inspirational meeting, where participants get an overview of the latest trends in green building.

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LIFE ClimArchiBase

Klimatická vzdělávací platforma pro odborníky v oblasti architektury a nemovitostí.

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Vlády a odvětví stavebnictví ve třech evropských zemích zahajují projekt zaměřený na data o budovách, který má podpořit plnou dekarbonizaci. 

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Project DoubleDecker

Cílem projektu DoubleDecker je, v rámci iniciativy Build Up Skills (BUS), vytvořit strategický podklad transformace stavebnictví v České republice a na Slovensku. 

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ReBuilt - Circular and digital renewal of central Europe construction and building sector

The construction industry heavily contributes to resource consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. The adoption of circular and digital practices can help reduce the environmental impact of the sector. For this reason  the transition into circular economy in this sector produces significant impact on Central European society well-being and increase its resource efficiency. 

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Best of Realty

The competition annually awards projects that represent the successes and abilities of architects, builders, designers, developers and, last but not least, real estate agents in their sale or lease.

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The environment we create affects us as individuals and as a society. The buildings are its cornerstone. Let us not get contented with a few exceptional buildings that Council members can take pride in, that we leave here for future generations but let us make sustainable building an absolute standard. We have knowledge, we have technology, we have experience, let's use it to achieve the goal. The steps that lead to this are formulated by this declaration. We are well advanced on this journey, let's move on.

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Healthy school

In 2017, the Czech Green Building Council launched a project focused on the quality of the internal environment in the Czech schools. The aim of the project is to draw attention to the unsatisfactory situation and, at the same time, to offer the participating schools concrete solutions how to create quality conditions for teaching and thus take good care of the health of pupils and teachers.

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Healthy Home

Our home - both the location and the building itself affect almost every aspect of our lives - from how well we sleep, how often we meet our friends, to how comfortable and safe we feel. If we want to improve the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities we can hardly find a more important place to begin with than at home: this is where most people spend the majority of their lives.  

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SMARTER Finance for Families

The SMARTER Finance for Families project aims to encourage the emergence of funding mechanisms that ideally combine state support and advantageous banking products for both new buildings and building renovations.

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