Become a member

  • You will gain contacts, prestige, inspiration and know-how in the green building sector.
  • We will promote your green projects and products through media and marketing.
  • You will belong to a network tith almost 120 member organisations comprising more than 13,000 individuals active in green building sector
  • You will get a unique platform for topics of your social responsibility.
  • You will be in a good company
  • Types of membership and Fees
Membership registration form

I started thinking about joining the Council as early as 2013. CZGBC was a distant and impersonal association for our society and I asked myself the meaning and benefits of membership. Today, after a few years of involvement in its activities, I can say that the Council is no longer THEY, but WE. Koncept Ekotech is the Council.

Pro Panattoni je udržitelnost součástí firemní DNA. Členství v CZGBC je zcela logickou a přirozenou cestou, jak sdílet zkušenosti, ale především společnými silami posouvat laťku v oblasti výstavby šetrných průmyslových nemovitostí.

Česká rada pro šetrné stavebnictví je pionýrem udržitelného stavebnictví. Neexistuje žádná jiná organizace, která by v této oblasti mohla svým členům pomáhat více než CZGBC.

Skanska's values are based on fulfilling sustainable development in all its aspects. The CZGBC team has been successful in introducing aspects of green construction into the media space in a professional and interesting way. The Council can boldly put Builder in Green Construction in their logo.

Českou radu pro šetrné budovy vnímáme jako vedoucí nezávislou instituci, která shromažďuje inovativní a zodpovědné subjekty z oblastí stavebnictví, realit a developmentu. Věříme, že je to správné místo a platforma pro sdílení vědomostí, čerpání inspirace a formulování doporučení k vývoji v oboru.

Membership categories

Exclusive membership

  • Designed for market leaders who want to use their position and experience in setting the direction and further development of the Council.
  • Opportunity for increased visibility and brand support within the Council and in media.
  • Detailed information on upcoming legislation and opportunity to influence it.
  • A dedicated CZGBC team member to ensure that you are maximising the full range of member benefits.
  • Advance notice of event or programme sponsorship opportunities.
  • Regular meetings with representatives of political and business sphere.
  • All other benefits valid for regular members.

For more information contact Simona Kalvoda at

Complete Membership Benefits

Membership in the Council is valid for one calendar year. On entry during the year, fees are calculated on a pro rata basis. Membership for the following year can be terminated by December 31 of the previous year, otherwise it is automatically renewed.

Membership registration form

Regular membership

  • Participation in all Council events except those for exclusive members.
  • A comprehensive view of the green building industry thanks to cooperation with members from other sectors.
  • Stay ahead of trends, share information and experience.
  • Opportunity to expand B2B contacts at the Council and its partners' events.
  • B2C marketing and media support in relation of the Council brand through communication channels and PR activities of the Council.

Complete Membership Benefits

Membership in the Council is valid for one calendar year. On entry during the year, fees are calculated on a pro rata basis. Membership for the following year can be terminated by December 31 of the previous year, otherwise it is automatically renewed.

Membership registration form

Associated membership

  • Designed for associations, NGOs, and individuals who do not fall into the category of regular membership.
  • Invitations to Council events and to working group meetings.
  • Associate members have no voting rights

Complete Membership Benefits

Membership in the Council is valid for one calendar year. On entry during the year, fees are calculated on a pro rata basis. Membership for the following year can be terminated by December 31 of the previous year, otherwise it is automatically renewed.

Membership registration form

Basic activities and benefits

Task Groups

The role of the Task Groups is crucial for the functioning of the Council. Each group focuses on a specific aspect of green building. Active members have the opportunity to develop their market segment and set the Group's goals and activities leading to meet the goals of the Vision Zero. Members can participate in the Council's educational events as panelists/speakers and provide comments and quotes for the Council's press releases and communications. More on Task Groups page.


We organize regular and one-off events that provide members with an ideal platform for creating new business contacts and opportunities. We cooperate with other professional and industry organizations.

Communication and PR

The Council communication channels include a monthly electronic newsletter, website, and social networks. All these channels can be used by members to increase visibility and share information. The Council also builds the prestige of its own brand and supports member brands through media and PR. More on the News page.

Membership registration form

Membership in the Czech Green Building Council is concluded for one calendar year. Entry fees during the year are calculated on a pro rata basis. Membership for the following year can be terminated by December 31 of the previous year, otherwise it is automatically renewed.

*All fields marked with an asterisk are required.


Contact persons

Competent person for membership

Contact person for Membership

Contact person for marketing

Next contact person

We would encourage you to add as many and as diverse a range of contacts in order to get the most out of the membership, including your executive, management, sustainability, technical, marketing, PR colleagues.

(maximum 800 characters incl. spaces)

Code of conduct

As a member of the Czech Green Building Council, we agree to actively support and adhere to CZGBC’s vision for a built environment that enables a high quality of life for people, within limits our planet can support.

• We commit to championing CZGBC’s vision by integrating sustainability into our business operations.

• We will demonstrate our commitment by leading and advocating practices that are environmentally responsible, ethical and fair.

• We will be open and transparent about our progress and share best practice with others.

Further on:
• I understand that this application will be submitted for approval to the Board of Directors.
• I hereby allow and agree that the information about the company will be published on the web page.
• I hereby allow and agree that the above-mentioned contact data can be used by the Board members and Executive office of the Czech Green Building Council for establishing contact and business relations.
• I understand and agree to pay yearly annual fee for our membership in the Czech Green Building Council.
• I understand and agree with the processing of personal data.
• I accept the rights and obligations defined in the valid statutes of the Czech Green Building Council.


After submitting the registration, a document in pdf format will be generated and sent to your email. To make your application valid, you need to sign the declaration and send it back to

By clicking on the “register” button you agree to the above.

Exclusive Members

All Members