Looking back, by Petr Kašík, a resigning member of the Board of Directors

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

after four years of working on the Board of directors of the Czech Green Building Council, I’ve decided not to run for another term. The reason is not that I did not enjoy or fulfil my job. The reason is what I have understood over the last 4 years. The Czech Green Building Council is a completely unique group of professionally diverse entities, which, thanks to its considerable diversification, covers almost the entire area of ​​green construction. At first, I didn't truly believe in this concept and I thought that nothing uniform could be enforced by such an association. However, I am now convinced that the Council, in a way it is set up, can respond relatively flexibly to current issues and challenges and thus be of real benefit to each member. I have always appealed to members to be active, because that is the only way for the Council itself to be active. By leaving the Board of Directors, I wanted to give the opportunity to other members of the Council to bring a new impetus to the management and strategy of the Council and thus help further development in the field of green building construction. I keep my fingers crossed for the newly elected Board and I believe that it will not lose its energy and will continue to steer the Council in the right direction.

I would like to thank all the members of the Board of Directors, whom I had the opportunity to get to know better over those four years, for their cooperation, which was a pleasant enrichment of my experience. I am proud that I was able to be in the beginning of the Healthy School project and that I helped to focus attention on a healthy indoor environment in buildings. As a member of the Board of Directors, I was actively supporting the direction of new activities related to water management, use of brownfields and recycling of building materials. However, I think that the Council's greatest success in recent years was the increasing activity of its members, both in working groups or at seminars or conferences. The so-called round tables proved to be excellent, as each member was able to take part in the process of creation of the new strategy for activities of the Council.

I would also like to thank the entire Council implementation team, without which we would not have achieved our goals. They are the right people in the right place, and I am not afraid to say that they are truly devoted to their job.

Obviously, I will continue to be active in the Czech Green Building Council, especially in working groups or seminars. I hope that the era of "virtual" meetings, we are witnessing now, will soon end and that I will be able to meet you all in person at Council events and have the opportunity, thanks to you, to continue to expand my knowledge and awareness of construction.

Petr Kasik, AMiT

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