Financial Results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2021

CTP N.V. (CTPNV.AS), (‘CTP’ or the ‘Company’) Continental Europe’s largest owner, developer and manager of high quality industrial and logistics real estate by gross lettable area (GLA), reported a 306% rise in net profit in the 12 months to 31 December 2021 to €1,026 million, compared with €252.2 million for the same period of 2020. CTP exceeded its targets set at the IPO in March 2021 over nine months in its first year as a listed company and secured a total annual return of 47%, while the Gross Asset Value (GAV) of the portfolio rose 43% to €7.6 billion.

Remon Vos, CEO said:

“CTP reports its first set of annual Financial Results as a listed company under the dark cloud of the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. We announced last week CTP’s commitment to help support Ukrainian refugees by providing significant financial support to UN refugee agency UNHCR and the Red Cross, as well as local relief agencies. We are also offering vacant warehouse space for emergency supplies and residential and hotel accommodation within our portfolio, and we will do more as the situation develops.”

Full press release here

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