CTP's Vlněna green roof scored in the Green Roof of the Year competition

The roof of the underground car park of the Vlněna office complex in the centre of Brno is a freely accessible park. Here you will find a garden with tall greenery and trees, but also a place for community gardening. This newly created public space in close proximity to the city centre has won a bronze medal in the Green Roof of the Year competition this year.

"Our goal was to create a public space that will serve not only employees of companies based in Vlněna, but also people from all over Brno. The city centre lacks a similar modern garden offering free time activities," explained Jiří Kostečka, who is in charge of the development of CTP's office activities in Brno. CTP offices are as close as possible to the local community. This summer Vlněna hosted an open-air cinema where 8 films were screened. That brought more than 500 people to the complex. In September, the company motivated people to use sustainable transport by offering them a possibility to rent shared bikes free of charge if their route is directed to one of the CTP areas in the city. At the same time, the company placed several permanent stands for shared bicycles in its parks.

As part of the CTP's cooperation with the Tourist Information Center (TIC), it is possible to visit the historic Bochner Palace, around which the Vlněna complex was built and which was renovated by the company as part of the project. It has offices and spaces for restaurants and cafés inside. The past and the present of the complex, located on a brownfield after the former textile factory, is also commemorated by the Stará a Nová Vlněna exhibition at Brno City Hall. From October 7, the exhibition will be moved directly to Vlněna. The aim is to open the office complex again and bring there not only employees but also people from the surrounding area.

This year, the award-winning garden on the roof of Vlněna also brought the first harvest form the garden part close to the historic Bochner Palace. The remaining part is mainly covered with flowers in such way that different colours of blooming flowers appear during the year. In order for the plants to thrive in the garden, they need regular care, but also pollinating insects which are rare in the cities. CTP therefore keeps and cares for bees on the roof of the close buildings and thus returns biodiversity to the city.

The construction of a high-tech complex, which offers eight modern office buildings designed by architect Václav Hlaváček and the reconstructed neo-renaissance Bochner Palace, is coming to an end. Since 2018, a number of companies have been based here, especially technological ones, such as Oracle, Infosys, RWS Moravia or Avast. A novelty of this year will be the coworking center. Shared offices have great potential, especially now that companies are looking for flexibility in the length of contracts. The newly emerging coworking space in Vlněna will offer a total of 1,800 m2 of top shared offices this year.

CTP takes the impact of its activities on the environment very seriously. By 2023, the company aims to be carbon neutral. It modernizes its already built properties and is building quality new ones and gets them all certified according to the BREEAM or WELL environmental certification. Currently, more than 80 percent of buildings have been already certified and by the end of the year, all buildings throughout Central Europe will have the certification.

The company specializes in the construction and management of customer-oriented high-tech business parks for top international and domestic companies that strategically invest in new or expanded projects. It owns ctPark Network, the largest integrated system of premium business parks in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 5.8 million m2 of Class A real estate in more than 96 strategic locations in six countries. In addition to the Czech Republic, CTP has the main part of its portfolio in Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Poland.

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