Art of Space shows trends in the commercial real estate


In 2019, CBRE launched an innovated Art of Space Awards competition following up the successful five-year tradition of the Meeting Room of the Year competition. The first year presented few novelties which push the whole concept of the competition one big step forward. It is not just about changing its name, but mainly about gaining new categories across different types of commercial real estate. Traditionally, there are offices among competitors, but also industrial premises and retail concepts throughout the Czech Republic.

The unique concept of the competition has brought remarkable results

Almost 250 entries across all sectors have been submitted. The main criteria are attractiveness and quality of working environment, as well as unique customer experience. A professional jury of ten experts, headed by Eva Jiřičná, selected 55 projects. The winner of this year will be announced by CBRE at the end of March.

The Healthy Environment and Sustainability category is under the auspices of the Council

“Within five years, many interesting projects have gone through our hands. More and more companies are interested in the well-being and sustainability issues. Whole teams of professionals work on this topic. We are delighted to see projects from the industrial sphere being submitted to the competition. The Art of Space is not just a competition, but an emerging content platform we will be happy to participate in,”comments Simona Kalvoda, director of the Czech Green Building Council.

CBRE has been developing its sustainability consulting team

Filip Muška, responsible for the job strategy at CBRE, describes current trends: “In addition to money, time, quality and design, companies also focus on the internal environment, its impact on the environment and employee health. And we clearly support this trend. We can guide companies through the entire process from initial analysis, through concept design, to implementation of solutions, including change management. We offer data driven solutions and optimize interior designs in terms of health and energy consumption. A separate chapter is our advice for companies applying for WELL certification, where, among other things, we define priorities for the necessary point evaluation. I would like to point out that we offer these services not only to office companies but also to property owners in the industrial and retail sectors. The scope of services and goals vary, but the principles remain the same.”

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