ReBuilt - Workshop on the decarbonization roadmap of the Czech construction industry

  • Stavební fakulta ČVUT, Thákurova 7, Praha 6, budova A, místnost č. 437 (4.patro)

  • Nov 22, 2023 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Workshop on the decarbonisation roadmap of the Czech construction industry as part of the ReBuilt project to support circularity and digitization of the construction industry.

We would like to invite you to the final workshop, where we will discuss the identified measures and recommendations leading to the removal of barriers to the decarbonization of the Czech construction industry. The specific task will be to define which measures are priority, to determine mutual links and the time sequence of their implementation.

The roadmap will have a major impact on the development of future requirements for the Czech construction industry. Our common goal is to propose rational and feasible solutions, therefore your feedback is absolutely essential.

Based on the described current state, it identifies barriers preventing the transition to low-carbon construction and then defines measures and specific recommendations to overcome these barriers. We are now at the stage where we need the comments and opinions of our members who have practical experience of preparing their companies to decarbonise.

The document is continuously created by a narrow team of Council members, all co-authors of individual parts of the document (and their companies) will be listed as part of the author team.

We look forward to seeing you!

The ReBuilt project supports circularity and digitization in the construction industry.

You can find more about this project and other projects funded by Interreg here.

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