New Year's Vltava Steamer Event

  • Bohemia Rhapsody, Dvořákovo nábřeží (mapa)

  • Jan 16, 2025 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

We invite you to THE STEAMBOAT EVENT!

Join us for a unique informal gathering on the modern and eco-friendly steamboat, Bohemia Rhapsody, which runs purely on electricity. The steamboat is renowned for its elegance, comfort, and environmental sustainability.

What can you expect?

  • Networking and Meeting with CZGBC Members – This is a great opportunity to establish new contacts, share experiences, and discuss current topics in sustainable construction. Get to know your industry colleagues in a relaxed setting.
  • Rock 'n' Roll by "Pinot a párek" – Look forward to live music brought to us by the band Pinot a párek. Their energetic performance will create a fantastic atmosphere for the entire evening.
  • Great Food and Drinks – A wide selection of refreshments will be available to satisfy even the most demanding tastes.
  • Cruise on the Vltava – Enjoy the beauty of Prague from the deck of a modern steamboat, where you can admire the city's landmarks and panoramic views.

This event is the perfect opportunity to establish new professional contacts, strengthen existing relationships, and share inspiring ideas. Come and meet other CZGBC members, enjoy a wonderful evening, and get inspired together.

We look forward to seeing you!


Členové CZGBC

1,900 CZK


2,800 CZK

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