Green Walk - Green Talk: Vila Clemance

  • Podbělohorská, Praha 5 - Klamovka (mapa)

  • Apr 9, 2025 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

We invite you to an exclusive Green Walk - Green Talk tour, this time taking place at Villa Clemance—a unique residential villa that stands out not only for its elegant architectural style but also for its sophisticated integration of functionality, timeless design, and advanced energy-efficient building solutions.


  • Exclusive Architecture – This modern villa, featuring just six luxurious apartments, was designed by the renowned architectural studio ADR. Each apartment meets the highest standards of premium living.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology – Enjoy chilled ceilings for a pleasant indoor climate, heat recovery ventilation for a healthy environment, underfloor heating for maximum comfort, and a smart home system for effortless control of all features.
  • Focus on Energy Efficiency – Intelligent energy management, optimized climate conditions, and sustainability are key design principles.
  • Innovative Technical Solutions – A highly efficient heating and cooling system designed with environmental sustainability and energy savings in mind.


  • A guided tour of the unique Villa Clemance
  • Presentation of the innovative ground-source heat pump system (ecoGEO 12-40 HP1) for heating and cooling
  • Expert insights from Richard Beber (GT Energy) and Petr Čmelík (OPBH Development)

Villa Clemance is located in a prestigious residential district in Prague 5, offering the perfect blend of city proximity and tranquil green surroundings.

Come and experience the creativity and elegance of Villa Clemance with us. This event will be held in czech language.

Moki Topiarzová
E:| M: +420 776 735 977  

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Projekt je spolufinancován Ministerstvem životního prostředí ČR. Veškerá sdělení a názory jsou pouze sděleními a názory autora, poskytovatel dotace (MŽP ČR) není zodpovědný za obsah těchto sdělení. 



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