Green Walk Green Talk: Bubenská

  • Prague 7 - Holešovice, Bubenská 1

  • Oct 11, 2022 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Functionalist Building Bubenská 1 is a cultural monument that today falls under the portfolio of CPI Property Group. It has been very sensitively renovated with a view to preserving the spirit of the time in cooperation with the National Heritage Institute.

Bubenská 1 is one of the most important modernist buildings in Prague, which has won a number of awards in recent years, such as the title of Construction of the Year, winner of Best of Realty, absolute winner of the Estate Awards 2021 or the award of the National Heritage Institute (Patrimonium pro futuro) - Public Award "Monuments Thank You".

The spacious functionalist building from 1935 has undergone a sensitive reconstruction to meet the highest contemporary demands on the quality of offices, but at the same time it has retained its unique genius loci. During the tour it will be possible to visit the core of the building, which forms the office part with its centre of gravity in the five-storey nave of the central hall lined with galleries around the perimeter. Come and see this interesting and unique building with us.
Tha language of the event is Czech.



400 CZK


950 CZK

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