Webinář: Státní podpory energetických úspor v zemích V4

  • online, Zoom

  • 27. 9. 2022 9:00 – 10:30

Státní podpory energetických úspor v zemích V4

V rámci regionální spolupráce oborových organizací ze zemí V4 Vás zveme na webinář na téma energetických úspor v rodinných domech. Experti z jednotlivých zemí představí, jaké jsou připravované státní podpůrné programy pro topnou sezonu v době energetické krize. Vzhledem k mezinárodní účasti se webinář koná v angličtině. Detailní obsah webináře a mluvčí najdete níže, registraci ZDE.

How are states ‘schemes ready to support family houses in saving energy?

Europe heading towards heating season during energy crisis

Key issues to be addressed

  • Why is it crucial to focus on the sector of family houses, what does the statistics say about this sector and it is even possible to break the strong dependence on natural gas in Easter Europe?
  • In the context of ongoing energy crisis – high prices and uncertain availability of gas for the upcoming heating season, what are the options for savings and how are states ‘support schemes ready for this challenge?


The last Census of population living in houses and apartments conducted in Slovakia in 2021 has shown that almost 63% od single family houses (SFHs) use gas for heating, more than 28% use different types of solid fuel (e.g., coal, wood, wooden pallets, and coke), and only about 6% use electric heating. The Slovak Environment Agency is about to launch a brand-new call for 30 000 SFHs and aims to support at least 4 000 SFH until end of 2022. Other Easter European countries are likewise dependent of natural gas and we can observe a shift in preferences of heating from natural gas to other sources. How are the states ‘support schemes ready to support people on their way to more energy efficient living?

Aim of the webinar is to answer the questions such as:

  • How will the Slovak subsidy scheme be set up in order to reflect a new energy reality and urgent need for more energy efficiency and independence and where can we look for inspiration among V4 countries?
  • What are the key challenges and risks linked with the current situation?
  • On what type of renovation to focus considering the expected astronomic energy and materials’ prices?
  • What type of heating will scheme mainly support?
  • Will people be able to co-finance the renovation from their own savings?
  • Is it realistic to expect people to invest into reconstruction now during the economic crisis? Is this a real opportunity for boosting energy efficiency hand in hand with renewable energy in Easter Europe?


Kick off

  • 10.00 – 10.10 – Henrieta Martoňáková, Analyst, Buildings for the Future
  • 10.10 – 10.20 – Matej Kerestúr, Expert advisor for Recovery plan, Slovak Environment Agency

Panel discussion

  • Jakub Hrbek, Director of the Implementation Section for Energy Projects, Air and Climate Protection, State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic
  • Juraj Adamica, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs Manager at SPP
  • Jozef Plško, Head of Communications at Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s.
  • Dušana Dokupilová, Analyst, Institute for Forecasting


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